Friday, July 27, 2018
Simple URLs give 404 on SKYPE for Business
Simple URLs give 404 on SKYPE for Business
Worked together with a customer today to troubleshoot a brand new deployed SKYPE for Business pool, with malfunctioning Simple URLs. Basically all simple URLs were defunct, both internally and via the reverse proxy, gave 403 access denied, and all URLs with directiry name like or even all returned "Server Error" 404 errors.

After digging (a lot) about in the simple URLs, and doing certificate reapplys, iisresets and a lot of other deadends i came to think of the IIS rewrite module installed during bootstrapper/ setup - so decided to give it a go - removed it from the add/remove, and the ran bootstrapper. And TADAA.. now everything was working like a charm again.
So process:
1. Go to add/ remove
2. Locate IIS rewrite 2.0 module - and select uninstall
3. Go to "SKYPE for Business server deployment wizard"
4. Run setup
No reboot neeeded (althoug removal of the module actually suggests it)
Happy SKYPEing

After digging (a lot) about in the simple URLs, and doing certificate reapplys, iisresets and a lot of other deadends i came to think of the IIS rewrite module installed during bootstrapper/ setup - so decided to give it a go - removed it from the add/remove, and the ran bootstrapper. And TADAA.. now everything was working like a charm again.
So process:
1. Go to add/ remove
2. Locate IIS rewrite 2.0 module - and select uninstall
3. Go to "SKYPE for Business server deployment wizard"
4. Run setup
No reboot neeeded (althoug removal of the module actually suggests it)
Happy SKYPEing