Saturday, July 28, 2018

How to become a computer technician

How to become a computer technician

Hello welcome...

Welcome to Andro9ja a place where we build you up into what you wanna be...
We help your achieve your dreams, stay tuned as we carry you along... We will teach you how to become a certified computer technician

Who is a computer technician

Hmmm the question might sound stupid at first but who is a computer technician really..

According to Wikipedia 
A computer repair technician is a person who repairs and maintains computers and servers. The tecnicians responsibilities may extend to include building or configuring new hardware, installing and updating software packages, and creating and maintaining computer networks Search google for more details about who is a computer technician

Now that you know what a computer technician means,lets see how to make you become one...

Tips To Help You Become A Computer Technician

The world as we know it is developing rapidly and computers has deep roots in our daily activities... 
Its a world of computers as technology advancements seems to grow rapidly...

Your job is highly future proof,its a great career and dont run out of opportunities..

The field is crowded and with so many people trying to get in... But Here today we will give you a head start to grow grow faster than others...

Below are some tips to help get started.

1. Learn Where To Find The Answers

Yes like youve done google searching on how to become a computer technician, I must comment you its the right decision is your friend with wide range of information for you is also there for you with wide range of articles to get you started.. Also Google Cheat Sheet is there to teach you how to use operators to control and limit your search

You can also browse through our blog Andro9ja for more articles to help you out...

2. Build A Computer

Hello please dont misquote me here, Im not asking you to build a computer from scratch but I mean you should be able to set up a computer system to run,install various operating systems  and the rest...
If you have no idea what Im talking about then Read This Tips

3. Break Your Computer

Oh dear Im not asking you to break it physically.. I simply mean damage the OS and try fixing it.. You have to know these basics cause someday you will need it when you encounter troubleshooting problems..
Just make sure you have your recovery disc and some maintainance softwares with you...

4. Get Your A+ Certification From One Of The Best Recognized Schools

Computer technician qualification
Yes you are getting closer to the job getting done..
The computing technology industry association (CompTIA)
CompTIA certification is one of the most widely accepted entry level requirement for any tech job

This certification means you are qualified and you know the basics of your job..
To qualify for CompTIA A+ certification byiu mist pass two exams which costs nothing less than 150 dollars per piece.

Checkout cramsession for free study guides and user manuals and training materials...

5. Goto A Computer Technician School.

computer technician training
Yeah you simply have to do this.. You cant just jump into the field without detailed knowledge of what the whole career is all about..

Read also how to recover data from broked or crashed hard drive

Even if you dont want to go for a four year program at least look into a tech school.. This schools offer at least two year program and have a lot to offer you to give yiu the best experience ever needed..

If you dont want to stay the two years at least take one class or two for the basics.. Remember half is far better than none...
For help in finding these tech colleges Check CollegeBoard

6. Try Working For Free

I will call this industrial training (IT) even though yiu dont have to work free in an industry.. You can start by working free for neighbors,friends even free community service in the tech field...

Here the point is the experience you will gain,yes volunteer when the opportunity surfaces..
You need this experience and also something to put on your resume..

7. Create An "ATS Friendly" Resume

Yeah we are gettingcloser,lots of IT recruiters add resume to an ATS friendly resume which is "Applicant Tracking System" and then search through them with specific keywords.

They use this to filter applicants whenever there are too many applicant for an IT job.that means no one will actually read your resume if it gets filtered out...
So you must prepare abresume that will survive this filtering process..the use of keywords will enhance your resume to show up every time the applicants are being filtered out..

Checkout 10 ways to tweak your tech resume for more help. Also check out 
5 articles that will help you write an impressive tech resume

8. Study In Your Spare Time

Yea hard word really pays..the more you work hard to archive your goal,the more closer to success you will become..
Visit The Tech Terms Dictionary so you wont be caught off guard when someone asks you the full meaning of TCP or IP .. Its not funny,these simple things can disqualify applicants at times so be extra prepared..
And good luck in your career

9. Accept Any Offer

Yes accept any offer you find.. It doesnt matter if its small or a strenuous type.. Just accept it.. Believe me it helps a lot and you get more experience.. And from there great opportunities will locate you..Computer technician jobs can be searched from google  also check computer technician salary.. Its quiet pays well so dont worry
And once again good luck..

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