Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Tweetbot for iPhone updated for iOS 8 and iPhone 6
Tweetbot, the most popular third party Twitter client for iOS, has been updated for the new iOS 8 as well as the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.
The list of iOS 8 related improvements include lockscreen notification shortcuts, where you can now slide notifications on the lockscreen to access additional functions, interactive notifications that pop down from the top and lets you reply instantly without leaving your current app, and sharing sheet support for sharing via Tweetbot.
Those using the app on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus will notice that the app makes better use of the bigger displays by showing additional content.
Of course, all of this is limited to the iPhone app only. The iPad app hasn’t even been updated for iOS 7 even after a year because the developers are just lazy like that.
App Store