Saturday, April 4, 2015

Its Sunday Photo 03 of the Week

This is a public photo of the city Damascus by night in Syria. The photo has been taken before the currents civil war.

Damascus is arguably the oldest city of our world. It became a city around 9000 BC and nowadays it the second biggest city of Syria.
I have been there once a few years back and it really is a beautiful city so rich in history. And it remind be that while the world as we know it seems relatively stable, things tend to change and when they do, it is very fast.

Syria is trying to resolve its civil war in which at least 3 factions are fighting and it is rather an ugly one. At some point, the international community might have to intervene especially if abusive means are being used such as chemical gas attacks.

In the past, way back then, Damascus must have been the place to be, it offered jobs and dreams like New York or Hong Kong nowadays. The first time I heard about Damascus was part of Alexander The Greats history. The historic city was part of his vast territory.

Anyway, Ill see you next Sunday for another photo of the week.