Saturday, May 9, 2015

New Video Shows iOS in the Car Running on iOS Simulator

Last week, app developer Steven Troughton-Smith shared a set of screenshots of what seemed to be Apples "iOS in the Car".

The feature is intended to allow an iOS device to take over the in-dash display of a car. which lets you access your Maps, messages, make phone calls, and other services.

Troughton-Smith today posted a video which shows how the feature will work. via a barebones implementation that is actually present in the already released iOS 7.0.3 but not accessible by default. The video shows the iOS in the Car feature running on a separate 800×480 window in the iOS Simulator, which is part of Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE).

Troughton-Smith provided the following details in the YouTube description:

- Supports Multiple Resolutions
- Supports touchscreens (presumably single-touch?), hardware buttons, wheels and touchpads
- Does not support multitasking - car display will always show same current on-screen app as iPhone (which can be locked/asleep)
- Whitelisted to specific Apple apps - no public API for developers [yet?]
- Has no keyboard UI - voice recognition as input
- UI clearly subject to change
- Missing functionality in video is due to iOS Simulator not containing all the stock iOS apps
Many car makers from Honda, Mercedes, Audi, BMW, and more, are expected to support the feature by this year. The second beta of iOS 7.1 brought a new Car Display toggle, leading some to believe that iOS in the Car support could be a feature bundled into iOS 7.1.

Source: [Steven Troughton-Smith via MacRumors]
Image source: Twitter